The below is tested up to Fab OS 6.4, although I don't believe it changes much in later releases (feel free to provide feedback to the contrary)
In this example, I’m keeping things simple and using the admin account. You may wish to consider RBAC depending on your use for key based access.
Manual Command Line Configuration
In the worst case assumption, you may be using a serial terminal or otherwise be unable to upload the key using sshutil, so the below steps outline the manual method of achieving this
Firstly, log in via SSH or console using the root account
Secondly, we upload the publickey
SWITCH01:root> mkdir /fabos/users/admin/.ssh
SWITCH01:root> echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB2NyyD1ec3EBBBBBCwAAAwkduUUUUUUj+/bNt65NNNkfmmhUi8j7/d/NMdjmmuhdnnfylarnndnfyyeDjsRI3vgyy6fZI/tMx1aKtdm78V0SDTV4Gi6nNTfNNlZB6Dx5hpUBndkfDiut4F93jfFisjf883kfd9fdkmgFKdu4w44EW3mfmfidfNjBXZt0NsJWOmPPhPcrRTfTAt4dF6QH7Brfg8LDZDhqB0iUh40L/xY+bauflf83fnfDitnr/+fngGdjfmsFjfngfmfnnnfmmp81tcdsjnrjegbdfkkmmjjfmmfllOLXjlDGgvuRB/vB6Wy8g3gyuTWDvjDMpzAKzll6tcmgcZhdpzbN553RV+nIb2hfmNut0T4sTfn==" >> /fabos/users/admin/.ssh/authorized_keys
SWITCH01:root> chmod 700 /fabos/users/admin/.ssh
SWITCH01:root> chmod 600 /fabos/users/admin/.ssh/authorized_keys
SWITCH01:root> cat /fabos/users/admin/.ssh/authorized_keys
ssh-rsa AAAAB2NyyD1ec3EBBBBBCwAAAwkduUUUUUUj+/bNt65NNNkfmmhUi8j7/d/NMdjmmuhdnnfylarnndnfyyeDjsRI3vgyy6fZI/tMx1aKtdm78V0SDTV4Gi6nNTfNNlZB6Dx5hpUBndkfDiut4F93jfFisjf883kfd9fdkmgFKdu4w44EW3mfmfidfNjBXZt0NsJWOmPPhPcrRTfTAt4dF6QH7Brfg8LDZDhqB0iUh40L/xY+bauflf83fnfDitnr/+fngGdjfmsFjfngfmfnnnfmmp81tcdsjnrjegbdfkkmmjjfmmfllOLXjlDGgvuRB/vB6Wy8g3gyuTWDvjDMpzAKzll6tcmgcZhdpzbN553RV+nIb2hfmNut0T4sTfn==
At this point, you should be good to log in using SSH keys from
LINUXMGTHOST:remoteadmin> ssh -l admin switch01
Alternate keys file
I came across one pair of switches where the above didn't seem to work (same hardware version - IBM 2498-B40, same fabric OS - go figure...)
Turns out, after many hours of debugging I finally found that the SSH demon was looking for
This should be the exception, not the rule, but keep it in mind if the first approach doesn't work.
Upload using sshutil
This is a much simpler method, however it requires reverse SSH access, which is sometimes disallowed depending on security policies.
Log into the switch as admin user.
SWITCH01:admin> sshutil importpubkey
Enter IP address:
Enter remote directory: ~remoteadmin/.ssh
Enter public key name(must have .pub suffix)
Enter login name:remoteadmin
public key is imported successfully.