I learnt recently that starting with DFM 5.2, there’s a new resource limit definition for 64-bit aggregates (as compared to “aggregates” perhaps).
I’ve logged a call with NetApp to suggest that they fix the definitions in DFM, however from reading the forums, it looks like the OnCommand software release lags behind Data OnTap by several releases, and this isn’t going to change any time soon. Ideally they would apply the current limits to future versions of ONTAP so that they at least match the current limits, rather than requiring manual overrides of limits using DFPM. Aarrrggghh!!
To list raw values (to allow them to be modified:
C:\Users\Administrator>dfpm reslimit set
Valid options are
maxFlexVols Maximum number of FlexVols per storage controller
maxCPUUtilThreshold Maximum CPU utilization threshold of storage controller
maxDiskUtilThreshold Maximum Disk utilization threshold of an aggregate
maxDedupeSizeInGB Maximum Deduplication size of a storage system model and ONTAP version (in GB)
maxDedupeSize64InGB Maximum Deduplication size of a storage system model and ONTAP version for 64bit aggr (in GB)
The default values:
C:\Users\Administrator>dfpm reslimit get 586
Id 586
ONTAP Version 8.2.1
Product Model FAS3270
Availability None
Maximum number of FlexVols per storage controller
Maximum CPU utilization threshold of storage controller
Maximum Disk utilization threshold of an aggregate
Maximum Deduplication size of a storage system model and ONTAP version (in GB) 65535
Maximum Deduplication size of a storage system model and ONTAP version for 64bit aggr (in GB) N/A
To set the new values:
C:\Users\Administrator>dfpm reslimit set 586 MaxDedupeSize64InGB=65535
Modified resource limit (586).
To re-check:
C:\Users\Administrator>dfpm reslimit get 586
Id 586
ONTAP Version 8.2.1
Product Model FAS3270
Availability None
Maximum number of FlexVols per storage controller
Maximum CPU utilization threshold of storage controller
Maximum Disk utilization threshold of an aggregate
Maximum Deduplication size of a storage system model and ONTAP version (in GB) 65535
Maximum Deduplication size of a storage system model and ONTAP version for 64bit aggr (in GB) 65535
The conformance errors we were seeing in CommVault / DFM are below:
Error Code: [25:37] Description: Conformance status for Dataset id [13280], Source Copy [163] is not conformant in DataFabric Manager. Conformance failure reason = [ ] Severity:[Error] Run Action:[Checking conformance for volume FILER01:/vol01 (13281).] Run Effect:[Conformance checking for volume FILER01:/vol01 (13281) failed.] Run Reason:[The requested size 14.8 TB is more than the maximum size allowed for a deduplication volume. The maximum size on model FAS3240 and ONTAP version 8.2.1P1 7-Mode is 0 bytes for 64_bit aggregate.] } ].
Error Code: [25:37] Description: Conformance status for Dataset id [13468], Source Copy [61] is not conformant in DataFabric Manager. Conformance failure reason = [ ] Severity:[Error] Run Action:[Checking conformance for volume FILER01:/vol02 (13469).] Run Effect:[Conformance checking for volume FILER01:/vol02 (13469) failed.] Run Reason:[The requested size 5.79 TB is more than the maximum size allowed for a deduplication volume. The maximum size on model FAS3240 and ONTAP version 8.2.1P1 7-Mode is 0 bytes for 64_bit aggregate.] } ] Severity:[Error] Run Action:[Checking conformance for volume FILER01:/vol03 (13472).] Run Effect:[Conformance checking for volume FILER01:/vol03 (13472) failed.] Run Reason:[The requested size 2.26 TB is more than the maximum size allowed for a deduplication volume. The maximum size on model FAS3240 and ONTAP version 8.2.1P1 7-Mode is 0 bytes for 64_bit aggregate.] } ].